If you don’t understand love, you will keep going back to the person who hurt you and call it love, if you don’t understand love you will let someone use you over and over again and blame it on love, because you are calling ignorance, love.
A person who loves you, will never “keep” hurting and using you and say I love you. U keep going back because u hold on to words and ignore their actions! U keep hoping on to his/her words because you simply do not understand love. love was never words. Love has always and will always be a verb. Love is Action! You stay because you don’t understand love!
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If you don’t understand love, you will keep going back to the person who hurt you and call it love, if you don’t understand love you will let someone use you over and over again and blame it on love, because you are calling ignorance, love.
A person who loves you, will never “keep” hurting and using you and say I love you. U keep going back because u hold on to words and ignore their actions! U keep hoping on to his/her words because you simply do not understand love. love was never words. Love has always and will always be a verb. Love is Action! You stay because you don’t understand love!
Brilliance @its peak…
Keep up the good work John Steve Okafor.