I think masturbation is a matter of the mind.check what you watch,read,think and even talk.and try not to be alone all the time.i guess it going to help
I think the thing with masturbation is that there are triggers, you’ll notice that the thought to masturbate only come within a certain ambiance, aloneness sometimes could be a trigger, also depression could be a trigger, and then there can not be masturbation if there is no lust, therefore in fixing the masturbation problem you must attack the lust cause.
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I think masturbation is a matter of the mind.check what you watch,read,think and even talk.and try not to be alone all the time.i guess it going to help
See a counselor
I think the thing with masturbation is that there are triggers, you’ll notice that the thought to masturbate only come within a certain ambiance, aloneness sometimes could be a trigger, also depression could be a trigger, and then there can not be masturbation if there is no lust, therefore in fixing the masturbation problem you must attack the lust cause.