
I am battling with masturbation. I really wish to stop.what do I do?

  • Anonymous
    6:28 AM, 8 July 2019

    I think you should mind what you watch,think of and books you read.this factors helps stimulates you to want to can also try to tell your self I won’t masturbate today and try to achieve it one day ata time.always stay around people.ask God almighty for can also talk to a counselor .

  • Anonymous
    8:41 PM, 8 July 2019

    Try fill ur time of solitude with people instead of being alone, also keep yourself busy by doing some creative works like drawing, painting, writing or even do group sports like soccer, basketball etc

  • Anonymous
    8:56 PM, 8 July 2019

    Pls for how long have u been battling with it

  • Anonymous
    9:45 PM, 8 July 2019

    Avoid being alone… Wen alone,, avoid viewing erotic movies or clips,, either go for sports channel or action or scary movies,, that could take ur mind off d masturbation thought… Lastly always find something to keep urself busy anytime u alone

  • Anonymous
    10:26 PM, 8 July 2019

    Masturbation can happen to anyone, your have get this ability to control your sexual urge, and how can control your sexual urge, first free your mind from those things that can arose u to sex, abstain your self from watching pornography, try to associate with people, because whenever you are with people that feeling will never be there, and always pray.
    You should always learn to speak to that spirit…
    Like wen ever ur in d mood…(masturbation)
    U should always shout at ur self…
    Using this techniques. .
    ” I won’t do it again”
    “Stop satan get lost”
    U must understand that ur not the only one with such problems…..
    To overcome requires serious fight nd determination….
    Firstly, u must be determined. …
    2ndly. …
    Avoidance of sexual viewing….
    3rdly. …u should always stay in public with friends not isolated to help drive that thought always….
    U should keep a friend close who will always get u busy…. till u get used to it….
    It is not easy tho…
    U have try this techniques.

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