
My name is Nadia,I’m glad I found this platform.
Now to my story……
I met my husband through his mom who was my church member.
We connected immediately and 3months later I got pregnant. I wasn’t ready for a baby so I had an abortion without his knowledge. After a year of dating we got married. Few months into the marriage I told him about the abortion, he wasn’t in the least angry and we move past it. It’s been 4 years since the abortion and I haven’t been able to conceive, it’s very depressing as my husband keeps refering to the fact that we could have had a child if I didn’t take such drastic decision on my own 4 years ago. This conversation has been the single constant reason we fight everyday. I’m sad and afraid that I might not have a child because I was recently diagnosed of PCOS. I try to mask my unhappiness but I’m scared the mask will go off real soon.

  • Anonymous
    3:08 PM, 21 January 2020

    Hi Nadia, As I know of PCOd, it is only going to be difficult but doesn’t mean you wont have a child. I guess 4 years is a long time. If I was your husband too I will be depressed and it might lead to anger sometimes. I guess marriage counselling at this point should be ideal before it leads to you people stop trying and then something as bad as a breakup or divorce

  • Anonymous
    7:40 AM, 22 January 2020

    I think you have to talk to people more.find out who has gone through this issue and how they overcame it.

  • Anonymous
    9:47 AM, 22 January 2020

    It’s only normal that he’d go back to that incident and decision you took. Cause it wasn’t really nice, I get you’d have been sad if he said you should abort it and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with such yet. At least you both made the decision.

    PCOS has treatments, go see a gyneacologist to re run a test, tell them all symptoms and they’d prescribe some estrogens and all to you. Probably where you had the abortion 4yrs ago they got a procedure wrong. Sorry about the pressure and sadness of not having a child you call your own. Just believe and talk to a counsellor, so you and your husband can handle this together in love and understanding.

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