can somebody tell how to improve in studies
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can somebody tell how to improve in studies
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Since you have not mentioned in which subjects, let me generalize and share some of my tips.
1. Whatever the subject may be trying to grab the concept helps a lot. Every topic that you study has some message or keynote to convey, try to relate it with everyday life or try to note down the keywords, and remembering it becomes easy. If you don’t understand the concepts, always ask your friends who know it. I bet you some of the friends teach better(no offense to teachers though). Do not memorize it.
2. When you study, explain it first to yourself and make notes of whatever you understood. But also validate whether or not you got it correct. Again cross-check it with someone who is well versed. It will make you curious to learn more.
3. Subjects requiring you to remember types or classifications, use mnemonic. This helped me a lot during exams.
4. For mathematics, practice a lot. But before that learn or get concepts cleared from a friend or a tutor.
5. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have doubts.
6. Try to do more revisions.
7. If you are a slow learner, keep in touch with the lesson taught in class by setting a study time table.
8. Refresh in between the study time to energize and motivate yourself.
9. Most important, always BELIEVE IN YOURSELF that you can do it. These are lines I picked from an animation song as a motivation mantra…
“Believe…in all that can be, a miracle start whenever you dream…believe…”