
Hi there! I still have no idea why the heck I’m doing this but as a friend suggested, it’s never a harm to try. So here’s the thing, think of me as an ugly teenager who is very bad at maintaining relationships and is average in every single thing in life. The things that I was doing fairly well at…..well I quit them. Now, I really wish to sing my heart out to the world but don’t got anybody to express my talents. My parents(not understanding at all) believe that I should just concentrate in my studies(which I’m not good at all even after many attempts). I need serious help….I get super depressed with my life sometimes and just think of being DONE with life.

  • Anonymous
    4:05 PM, 22 June 2020

    Hi dear.I think you can do both studies and music together. So u will be able to fall back on one if them should one fail.

  • Anonymous
    5:39 PM, 22 June 2020

    I really can understand your situation, so, I think your parents want you to have a good life and good future so that’s why they ask you to study but your heart’s wish to sing, yes you don’t have to ignore it, actually, you can pursue what you want in life no matter what but here in your situation I think you need just prove your parents by slowly starting into what you like but still doing your study, they just care for you, so the best way is to have a balance between study and singing. Yes, you can make singing as your career too but that doesn’t mean you have leave study, it’s ok not to do very well in studies but that doesn’t mean we can’t do studies. yes, you can do whatever you want and do what your heart desires.

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