Hi my name is Henry. Lately I’ve been getting suicidal thoughts
Hi my name is Henry. Lately I’ve been getting suicidal thoughts
Whether you are looking for individual, couple, or family counseling, we have qualified therapists who can meet your needs. Sign up today to schedule your first appointment and get started with therapy.
Henry good day.I know that most time this thoughts is a result of non accomplishment and anxiety. My advice is that you should try and get busy when ever this thoughts come by and refuse to give into the thoughts.I know you can get online councellor on this site.g
Always be around people that loves you,also see a counselor
Get it at the back of your head that if you commit suicide, 1. Youl go to hell fire
2. Your never gonna accomplish what you were brought to this world. Who knows, you might be the next president or your gonna be a very great man, whenever that thought come to your mind, know that your important and watever makes it come to your mind isn’t gonna last forever.