I want to be a virgin when I get married. I see a lot of girls doing things and I feel I’m way behind. I hate masturbation. It disgusts me actually personally, but today. Today for the first time in what has been like 6, 5 years I masturbated and watched porn. Which is unlike me. I don’t know how to cope. Please help me. I don’t want to loose my virginity to just a passser by and being a virgin is also hard. Please help. I’m so sad rn
Hello.you can still be a virgin till you get married try and not get influenced by what you see other persons doing.
Did watching porn not help relieve any feelings of wanting sex, since you saw that it isn’t all that?
If all watching porn did was fuel your desire then I advice you to never watch again. Pray to God for strength. He will help you since you’re trying to please him.