
Why is life treating me this bad?
Did I bring myself to this world?
I know God exists that’s why am still alive, and since am alive there is hope. I am a young girl from Abia State that was born out of wedlock.Growing up having a father never cared and never assisted, maybe because am a girl child. I finish from Rivers state university in the year 2019 . No one to assist me in school. I was able to pay my year one school fees through the help of my grandma and a friend of mine then that gave me 16000 Naira to pay back ASAP because I needed to pay in time so as to have a matrix no /matriculate. After which he was demanding for an intimate relationship from me and when I declined , I was asked to pay him back with immediate effect. I was reported to the school security and was forced to pay back. My year two , I was able to pay through menial jobs I did and the help of some persons. But right now I cry almost everyday because of lack of payment of my year 3 and final year fees. I’m supposed to go for NYSC but I can’t because of my debt . My convocation is on the 15th of December but I won’t be able to go because of my debt. Can’t do my clearance, can’t see my result , can’t go to school , because of my debt in school. I’ve met people that are in the position to help me but they keep telling me to use what I have to get what I want. This is so unfair . At 21 am passing through depression because those that can help me is telling me to have s*x with them before they can help out. IS THIS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT? I believe in GOD and I have faith that all things will work out for Good . I won’t give up
Romans 8:18 – yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.

  • Anonymous
    7:35 AM, 22 November 2020

    Greetings after reading your story I got motivated by you zeal, faith and strength to do the right thing even when you are frustrated I wish and pray your believe see you through the storm.Ame

  • Anonymous
    3:48 PM, 22 November 2020

    Good day,I admire the fact that you believe and trust in God who made you and that you understand that there’s nothing impossible for him to do. Since you have faith in God, have you tried including patience to this Faith?

  • Anonymous
    4:59 PM, 30 November 2020

    You’re so strong. God will surely see you through. Don’t give up. You’ll make it, slowly but surely.

    Everything happens for a reason and every pain leaves behind the gift of strength. You can do it.

  • Anonymous
    8:04 PM, 4 March 2023

    Am in this situation rn 😥😥

    I just got my admission but no one to pay for my school fees and am trying so hard to get matric number so i will not lose my admission i cried every night but sometimes I keep wondering wht it have to be me sometimes i keep wondering if there is truly God am still struggling hard i hope i find God Favour

  • Rita
    9:48 PM, 3 March 2025

    Me too but i put my faith in GOD

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