I find myself constantly doing things I don’t want to do and I find it so hard to concentrate on my task,I lack discipline to work on the things I don’t like about myself and I get easily irritated
I find myself constantly doing things I don’t want to do and I find it so hard to concentrate on my task,I lack discipline to work on the things I don’t like about myself and I get easily irritated
Hello I think the best way to get out from addiction is to actually see the after and negative effect it will have on you then you will be able to know how serious you would decipline your self to change.
I don’t mean to be spiritual but you can start by reading the Holy book, then always distract yourself whenever you feel the urge to do those things, oh and try not to be alone most times or around people that you know might likely corrupt you
Have you taught of having a counseling sessions with a counselor? To help you work on yourself