I really needed someone to talk to because I feel suffocated nowadays because of what I have been keeping in my mind.My parents are killing me slowly I feel like I’m going to die anytime soon I can’t stay home and not just be happy once I’m always scared they will complain about everything they do,all they care about is studies I once summoned courage to tell them about my depression they listened but since then they haven’t asked me how I am or how I am doing. They keep saying I’m a disgrace or a problem to the family in front of my siblings and it hurts me badly to the extent I don’t want to mix with other people any longer I always want to be alone I feel like nobody wants me around and everyone will be fine if I’m dead. I tried taking my life twice but I couldn’t because I was scared they will be sad but I can’t take it any longer I’m suffering deep inside
Please help me
Kuro Briggs
Hi suicide has never being the best option there is time for everything please wait for your time to die which is obviously not in the nearest future you are bon for a purpose please try and fulfil it.and again talk to a counsellor who will be able to offer help thanks