
My parents are so over protective and it’s ripping me apart. I’m 21 years old and ever since I was a kid till teenager they have been locking me indoors.Its worse because I’m not in uni yet , anytime I ask to go out they end up causing a fight with me.I keep losing friends because of they;not only because of their overprotectiveness but they also persuaded me to cut off all my friends.i feel so depressed I picked up the habit of masturbating.I do the same thing everday and it’s killing me. It feels like I’m watching my life pass me by and I don’t want that for myself

  • Kuro Briggs
    1:26 PM, 15 December 2020

    Hi I know there is time for everything instead of fighting and forming bad habits that kills you slowly please try and take good advantage of you being at home like know your parents well,learn more about your cultures and all when the time comes for you to be free this things you learnt will guide you.because you must be free and be left to make decision by yourself very soon.

  • Anonymous
    6:15 PM, 15 December 2020

    I know that it isn’t right for them to do this to you at your age but then there must be a solid reason why they’re doing so. Just check yourself first,Maybe there’s a bad thing that you’re doing or you did that is making them to be strict with you. What I’m trying to say is that, sit down with them and have a serious and polite conversation,ask them why they’re doing this you, be very open with them and show them that they can trust you. And about the issue of masturbating, thats really not the solution.. take advantage of staying at home by Indulging yourself in good activities whether spiritually or socially. Focus on yourself and your growth, if you have any talent or hobby, Indulge yourself in it. Spend time with family members. Watch movies,workout/Meditate at home,read books eg.Motivational/Inspirational books,Have a skincare/Hair routine,if you’re interested in makeup,get makeup products,watch YouTube videos and keep on practicing on yourself.

  • Anonymous
    12:06 PM, 16 December 2020

    Thank you.The things is they won’t understand if I try to talk to them.You’re right i would make sure I quit masturbating and improve my talents.

  • Anonymous
    12:10 PM, 16 December 2020

    I don’t fight with them I wish you knew how I am.I’m very obedient and I think that’s what they take advantage of,I don’t want to go out because I want to do bad things no it’s because I want to look for a job or learn something.The truth is when you love something to hard you end up suffocating it ,that’s what is happening to me I feel suffocated.I would definitely make sure I quit masturbating and put my time into something good.Thank you

  • Anonymous
    3:32 PM, 16 December 2020

    Masturbation is something of the mind,alot do trigger it,you can work on it if you decide to take away those things that you see or think before you do.
    Your parents being over protecrive maybe as a result of the life you are living,give them reason to know you are matured enough through your actions.

  • Anonymous
    10:04 PM, 16 December 2020

    I understand where you’re coming from. Well then maybe you can report them to a close relative,someone they listen to and can’t say No to. But if you can’t or it doesn’t work,all i can say is that Look at the bright side of life,look at other positive things in your life. Be grateful to God , and remember that you’re far behind some people and they wish for the life you have. Food,family,health ,wealty and shelter . Just remember that every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

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