
I feel like death is the only way i think i can get peace. I’m in a lot of debt because i trusted a friend well enough to make investments, I’m only 20years of age but i know God is aware of my situation but it looks like I have met my end.Nothing is going on well in my life, it’s either pain or sorrow or disappointment that I experience day after day. I don’t know if this is a trial period from God but my strength has failed me

  • Anonymous
    3:49 PM, 17 December 2020

    You should keep trusting God, by praying and meditating on his word more often. He never fails his children and He’s always there for us no matter how difficult the situation seems. Death is never never an option, it’s just the devil’s deceitful way of winning someone to him. I can talk to you everyday about this if you want, sometimes we want to feel someone is always there for us and understand what’s going on. I’ve been there before, and trusting has never made me regret anything.

  • Anonymous
    5:44 PM, 17 December 2020

    But with each new day everything gets worse. It’s from one problem to another. I thought of prostitution at a point but I couldn’t go through with it because it’s not in my nature

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