my heart beats,my body shakes,I look weak,stress begin to show on my face, anytime am ready or preparing to go out, because I think am shy of people walking on the street that will glanceor look at me,I have been feeling this way for a long time,I think the stress has become more as an adult.even when nobody is looking at me,in my mind someone is,I don’t know how others do feel free,I want to be free to,I even avoid going to church now,and anywhere that people are much, even dates are problems to me,when I close my eyes I can’t stop imagining scary figures,all these are really affecting my daily life, please I need help urgently
Greetings you are the only one that can help yourself when it comes to this issue.
Everyone is fine and every one is admired by someone when ever you remember this keep your head up High and walk with the consciousness of being carefully and fearfully made.
I can assist u daily on my WhatsApp, chat me up on 08063807736 happy Sunday
Hello! I think you may be suffering from social anxiety. It’s completely normal and it needs medical attention to help you adjust to normal life as a person