
I’m in a relationship with my girlfriend for two years, it was going well initially for like the first one year. We had a plan of marriage, which I’ve been working towards. I’m newly employed. So somehow we quarrel, though we resolve it. I’m not allowed to chat with other girls which I don’t even like to because of the relationship. But any small opportunity she starts talking to different men. We quarrelled recently and she moved out of my house. Then tell me I shouted at her, that she has broken up with me since the day she left my house. I made peace and we wanted to come back together, attempts were going well. Few days ago we agreed to love and cherish each other again and to understand each other more. That same she went out with someone else and fuck him.
Please I need all the advice I can get because I love her so much.

  • Anonymous
    5:49 AM, 11 March 2021 every relationship if respect is lacking then there is no love because respect is an attribute to love.while you want to marry this girl think about her excesses including not being faithful and see if you can cope with them.I think that will answer your question

  • Anonymous
    6:22 AM, 11 March 2021

    Peace of mind is all you need,if 80% of your stay with her is not peaceful please do the needful.
    Whatsoever you see in relationship now is likely to show up in marriage.

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