
I feel so empty inside, it happens once in a while, I do not have a boyfriend or a best friend I’m 20 years old when I see my friends chatting with your boyfriend’s or hanging out I just feel left out and sad and lonely it happens once in a while not every time I think I need a boyfriend or a best friend someone I will able to talk to when I need to,because I just happen to have only casual friends I don’t have anybody I could talk too, and I feel so sad.

  • Anonymous
    9:12 AM, 23 March 2021

    Hello.truthfully no one wants to be alone and I also think having a boy friend or bestie won’t solve the problem all you need to do is to find a friend who really likes you.

  • Anonymous
    2:12 PM, 23 March 2021

    You are not alone…be strong

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