My name is David. I will be 20years old by October… I have an issue and i need a solution.
I know am a melancholic type of person with a bit of choleric temperament.. i have a big low self esteem and its eating up deeply up to the extent that i can’t/scared to speak in gatherings/public major problem is my teeth, i have a chronic mouth odor. Its has affected me deeply to the area of self esteem. I can’t communicate with my mates publicly/pray well in public/gist without the thoughts of my mouth.. i have used kinds of toothpaste, gone for check up, did clinical thorough mouth wash, all with little or no effect…
What can i do ?
I am unhappy and I want to make a change but all the same
What can I do
Hi.firstly thank God that you have no issues after all the test you did so your kind of okay medically.have you tried taking showing gum, this small pepper fruit or can always have these around and keep then in your mouth while talking.