Please help, 24yrs old, into a relationship with someone with clinical depression. Although he’s the workaholic type, he barely have time for himself. But am so confused, I do the calling because he doesn’t call. Am feeling that he doesn’t care anymore. but I do go visit him in his office. We once had an argument on this issue, he clearly told me that, the fact that he doesn’t call doesn’t mean that he does not care about me, he complained that, I know he barely even have time for himself. we were just friends for 7yrs before we started dating. He was the sweetest thing back then, when we first met. Not after he was diagnosed with clinical depression. He changed totally. At first I felt so bad, because I do love him a lot, I wasn’t sure if I could cope anymore because of his new behavior. But when I read about clinical depression, I then understood that the reason for his behavior, were attached to the clinical depression symptoms. Please I really need help, because am not sure if I can actually cope anymore especially for the fact that, he doesn’t call nor chat up even on watsapp. Please what do I do, because I think am so affected by all this. Should I just walk away?
Hi if the reasons for his action and words are connected to depression then you have to help him heal for love sake.