
When I was in primary(4)school I was living with my mom Sis n husband in lagos.
One night as I was in the kitchen helping my aunt in making dinner, my in laws cousin brother who was living with us called me. He was working as a banker in diamond bank in lagos. He called me and I went to answer him
I knocked at his door n he said I should come in then I went in and I said brother the room is dark I can’t see u but he held my hand n said the bulb spoilt n he locked the door and he asked me what am doing I told him then he said I should lie down I said brother I don’t want to sleep now am helping aunty in the kitchen he said he knows that I should lie down immediately n stop disrespecting him. He shout at me n forced me then he lifts my cloth n asked me to keep quiet then I felt a very sharp pain below
I carried n told him brother ur hand is painful n is paining me he said sorry I will buy u biscuit
Don’t cry.
Then my aunty called me n he said I should go n come back
I didn’t go because I was feeling pains n I couldn’t walk very well
I felt pains below for days.
And my aunty doesn’t pay attention to me whenever I want to talk to her that I felt pain between my legs.

    4:48 AM, 6 May 2021

    Sorry about such an experience dear

  • Anonymous
    11:20 PM, 6 May 2021

    Just know it is not your fault,a Counselor can and will always listen to you and help you through any process to make you come over your painful experience especially if there is no one you can trust.

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