
I’m an overthinker sometimes I feel things would get better overnight I’m trying to go on with my hustle but I cant going out to meet friends is really difficult I always feel rejected, wronged, and always angry, I feel like I have failed and death would be better off I can’t sleep at nights always feeling like I’m the one with the biggest problems on earth and I’ve got really big dreams hoping to be someone great I’m not even talking orderly I’m just so miserable I really need help please

  • Anonymous
    5:38 AM, 6 May 2021

    Hello I think you should take a deep breathe and follow life one step at a time.please let your ambition of becoming someone drive you.

  • Anonymous
    11:24 PM, 8 May 2021

    Which I could but it seems impossible even wen I take those one steps at a time sometimes the steps feels wasted but thanks for the advise though

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