
I am in a 3years relationship which I and my partner are happy to be together…but we have never had sex,we re both virgins,the feeling is mutual but we make out a lot that make me feel as if I have actually sex.

We are Christians that does not believe in premarital sex…that’s why we agreed on no sex till marriage.

This make out sessions felt like an addiction that we couldn’t do without… It affects my mind a lot…that cos me anxiety and I don’t know why I ve it

I hope I get up so I can stop this guilt feeling and stop making out also

  • Anonymous
    7:39 PM, 4 June 2021

    Hi.making out seems to me like sex,so if you guys want to be without sex you should actually be without sex or make out.

  • Anonymous
    6:29 PM, 10 June 2021

    first ask yourself if you are a sex doll. One sex will lead to another to another and to the stage where you can’t say no again. Then you do it everyday. No sex style can make a guy Faithful. Keep yourself because the moment you have sex you already lose part of your value and worth so if you have sex every time it means your value and worth reduces drastically then one day he’ll tell you jokingly that he wants to marry a virgin and you’ll be shock. So if you already having sex please stop right now. In a relationship sex doesn’t bring two together, it only separates them gradually. You don’t use love to make a relationship grow,
    you should never use sex to make him stay

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