
I have a really bad addiction to porn and sex. It all started years ago when I was rape severally by close family friends. I have been battling the feeling of self loathe ever since. I feel betrayed that my parents never found out and I still have nightmares about those dark times. I’ve been trying to quit but I haven’t been able to. As a result, I use dividers to make scratch marks all over my body (especially my arms) after every bad deed. I’ve thought of suicide many times and I’ve been avoiding church for a while now. I need help but I don’t want to tell my family. I can’t bear the disappointment in their eyes. I’m currently suffering from Ulcer because that was one of my ways of escape. I’m fed up with my disgusting lifestyle!

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    7:06 AM, 14 June 2021

    Hello take life easy ibthinkbits not as bad as you sound,when you begin to see the positive side of life you will begin to understand that when compared with the negative side the positive still carries the day.
    Please try and tell your parents about your issues thanks.

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