So i catch my boyfriend cheating, he does not consider flirting with other girls to be cheating, so he does it. Sometimes i live in with him at his house, recently he started to do it with his neighbour, i caught him, he appologised and just two weeks later he was back at it. I tried to leave but we have dated for almost 4 years now, i feel betrayed nd insecure, i am paranoid and sometimes the whole stuff randomly pops into my head. I love him, but i dont know how to cope. We have both discussed this , and we have aknowledged that the problem is his not recognising flirting as cheating and hurtfull. I still get pannic attacks, my heart still hurts. I really need a friend to talk to because he is no emotionally unavailable. Im not sure i can express what i am feeling without us getting into a banter, and i honestly dont have the strength for banter, or emotional
Strength. I just sit sometimes and cry , i break down sometimes. I feel humiliated, i feel really ugly, i feel insufficient. I feel like nothing, like i am not worth someones commitment. And i have been so good to him. I am hurting, i dont want to talk to anyone i know.
Hello the hard truth here is that you have to control your emotions not really because he is not changing but because you deserve to be happy and relax please take it easy to avoid any sickness.