Okay.i had an abortion,i was 3weeks pregnant after taking the pills i bled the next day with dark blood and heavy cramping,i was not myself until the bleeding stopped it lasted for a day and half without any blood clot,I’m only spotting sometimes with cramps,all pregnancy symptoms has stopped
An Ob/Gyn here.
A voluntary termination of pregnancy is common….and it’s a good thing yours wasn’t complicated… however, you need to prevent future occurrence with contraceptive pills cos it could have been worse.
Preventing pregnancy is safer than voluntarily terminating it cos of possible complications.
See a women health clinic for proper evaluation.
Now, you may or may not have some feeling of guilt, it’s okay and it goes away with time…but it should be a pointer to why it shouldn’t happen again.
Prevent pregnancy if not ready…and….the prevention of STIs should also be top priority.
Wishing you best of luck 😊