
I’m 17 and I’m starting to deal with different urges
I’m starting to have the urge to have sex, to do drugs, since I have friends that are already having sex and they’re telling me to go ahead and I honestly see it as not a big deal I’m starting to get involved in different hookups even though I haven’t had sex yet but I’m always this close to having sex and I don’t know what to do

  • Anonymous
    6:10 AM, 3 September 2021

    Hi I think in your words you have actually seen where the problems come from and it is your either influence them or they influence you simple.
    Having sex at 17 is not ideal,I think you should be emotional stable and ready to have or not even having it till your married.

  • Anonymous
    4:57 PM, 5 April 2022

    Hi Sweetheart, you shouldn’t be listening to your peers, they are as naive as you are and already taking the wrong steps. I advice you listen more to older people like ur parents and I promise you’ll he glad you did few years from now. There’s no benefit in being wayward, look out for young girls like you who are excelling academically in different parts of the world. Let that be your constant drive for greatness. You have alot to achieve in life, don’t let little mistakes distract you pls.

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