
I’m 24years old and my husband is 25 , we got married 3 years ago , but me when my husband are always having misunderstandings anytime his mom is around at times she comes to the house unannounced we will just hear a knock at the door and boom it’s her again, the craziest thing is bringing people to the house without telling us, she went as far as telling my husband to stop giving me money that I spend the way I see money, my husband collected the money he gave me to keep for him and send to his mom account and she went behind me to get a land and started building for my husband,when I finally found out they took me to the site and my mother in law was the one distributing the rooms , telling me this is my room and that my husband room then the 3rd room is hers , I kept quiet and acted like I didn’t hear, my mother inlaw is too diabolical, whenever she’s coming to the house she come with different type of fetish things, my husband and I are having a misunderstanding I had to move out of the house because he’s always beating me , now he wants me home so my parents told him to go call his parents so they can iron things out , the reason is because he is always insulting my parents even to their face but his family doesn’t seem to be remorseful for what their son did ……… the question is can I go back to my husband house after his family come see my parents or I should move on with my daughter

  • Anonymous
    5:38 AM, 27 April 2022

    Hi.firstly you should take out time to see if he has changed,if he still has the temper to make him beat you and if his mother would change a little so with this accessments you will be able to know if you should still stay back home for a little longer.

  • Anonymous
    1:31 PM, 27 April 2022

    That was what his friend advised me to do hold on and see if he changes

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