
I just got scammed. A lot of money
My family so angry at me
I’m angry at myself
Didn’t even get what I wanted
I feel lik killing myself

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    3:23 PM, 3 June 2022

    I’m sorry that this happened to you. It happened to me as well and I didn’t want to face the hard reality that there was nothing else to be done than moving forward.
    No amount of worries and anger and anxiety can reverse this sad event, even whan you get some more money, the feeling of allowing yourself to be deceived still stays somewhere within you until you learn to let go.
    Forgive yourself first for your mistake and then with time, forgive those who duped you whether you know them or not. It will take time, but you will overcome the feeling to harm yourself over a mistake, big or small. Warm regards

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