I woke up today July 20th, 2022 and thought: ‘Why can’t I just end it all here?’.
No breathing means; no dreams, no pain, no bills, no hate.
Everywhere seems to be a brick wall and I am tired of being a ‘strong woman’ who ‘everyone looks to’. I have less than N10,000 to my name, no job, no life, no food at home, 1 dependent and suffer from depression, anxiety and ADHD. Everyone knows me as ‘the happy creative’. No one knows the real me and they’ll probably never know. Family only cares when I succeed and I am tired.
Is it okay to just end it all? I don’t have the strength to keep on going anymore.
I am so tired. I have been crying all morning.
I am so tired!
This is just how I feel rn
Please dear, there is also no joy in death…after you end it then what next … do you really think your soul would be at peace knowing you died of your own accord…negative thoughts must be churned at all cost …think about the little things tgat have made you really happy at some point and concentrate on them…think about the pain your family and loved ones would go through knowing they couldn’t help you, the dreams that awaits you, people you are meant to meet later in life, people you would touch their lives. I know it seems like you can’t get through it dear but believe me when there’s life there’s hope and that is fact…Almighty God will never let you face something bigger than you…take this as phase to prove to everyone especially yourself that you are stronger than anything that may come your way…listen to a happy music , extract yourself from your head , shut the negative thoughts down and remember how creative and beautiful you are…for the finance part think of something you can do that prople are willing to pay for…you could go into nitting, crocheting, beading ….you are strong, beautiful and bold and you can overcome anything…think of yourself as a rolling stone unstoppable, focused and mighty…God be with you..AMEN