
Since I was 7, I never lived a happy life. I was sent to my aunt’s place in Abuja to live though my dad was hesitant about my leaving. I finally started tiling with them, and the following year, my dad died. I miss him so much, I was his favourite. My aunt here has always seen me as a competition, she never wants to see me happy. She compares me to other people and even say bad things about me to her friends, she’s never satisfied with whatever I do. I feel like taking my love sometimes. I’m now 23, a graduate, no job. I can’t go out to even connect with people to get something doing because they are always wanting me around to cook and do other chores. Yet she’ll be mocking me that I’m not working and don’t know the value of money and sometimes she also rain curses on me. When it comes to her children, she tames her words but when it’s my turn, she says anything at all to me. I try my best to always please her but she always sees wrong in everything I do. It’s having a toll on my emotional and mental health. It’s also affecting my relationship with other people. She managed to suppress my confidence right from when I was little. I’m crying writing this because I don’t know who and what can save me from this…

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    11:12 AM, 17 August 2022

    The first thing you can do is to seek the face of God, pray to him and I’m sure He is always there to answer. Have you gone for service since you are a graduate? if no you can pray you are deployed to a far distance from your aunty and probably after the service you stay there and settle there if you can and if you’re back from service you can reach out to anybody you think can help in any location to settle or start your life. I’m sure this is not an easy step or path but be sure you’ll be fine one day.

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