Everyone thinks when you have money at hand you have to use it to express your long awaiting wants. Although it never look at it seems even after we regret our actions. I am I student trying to manage the new path God have taken me to. Although I had lost my parents about 4 years ago but that’s not the problem now. I had enough money to help myself look better in my situation and even after all the struggling and everything nothing ever seems at it is. We never know how reckless and devil minded our decisions will lead us to and even after further self reliance and retraintments the devil still takes control now our regrets can not be taken back and our wrongs will forever be labeled on our mind,Let alone our hearts.
Please we should manage the money we have not because we are rich or our dads are reach that we will use money till the “brisk of a glass of wine” in quote! People are out there are struggling and facing problems that need these money to solve but our hearts never nears there. God save us all