Am currently struggling with masturbation, pornography, gambling and financial debt. The masturbation started since late 2016, after some few months pornography steps in and I have been fighting it but no positive result. Recently after graduating from the University I left home got a job and trying to start up my life and instead got addicted to gambling and debt, right now am currently owing 450k and don’t know if I can be able to pay back. Life is slowly sneaking away from me and I don’t know what to do. Every morning I wake up suicide thought comes to my mind.
Hello, sorry to know you are going through this, you need to reach out for professional counselling
Oh wow! Suicide is never an option though. Masturbation is a stubborn problem that would need confessions of the word of God and accountability to come out of.
Gambling and pornography too are very addictive. Please see a counsellor.