
Am just a girl
Living a life hoping it will be well am just seventeen and felt like am dying
Sometimes I would want to kill my self
And be free from this depression and pain eating me can just be unfair today I lost my jamb money 😭finding a way
But wat people want in return is sex and sex😔sometimes I just stay and watch wether this life as as pleasant as dey say
My mental health started draining
The time I started burning my private part with a burner😔Am living with kidney diseases hoping for a healing😔looking for help😪am in d situation where d rich discriminate d poor😭life it’s self is a game
U must play hard to reach the unlimited levels 😔Am just a girl with big dreams come to my resuce 😪I don’t want to commit sucide

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    1:12 AM, 25 January 2023

    It okay not too be okay babe I understand how you feel with depression and anxiety but suicide is not the next option this feeling will pass take your time you should meet a professional counselor that will elp you to stop self harming and whenever you feel you want to self harm call someone you can talk too about how you are feeling at that moment or write it down everything is going too be okay

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