
I don’t know if I’m making the right decision but I just think I need lot of alone time to figure out more about myself, learn to be there for me and also live and explore life in general but I’ve got this few friends around that influence my decisions but I’ve known him particularly most of my life and we have kind of being through some tough shit together but it’s draining me and suffocating having this people around me but I don’t want to look bad and sometimes I think about the phrase no one knows tomorrow.


So, confused and I don’t know if to send them away and start my life again because I sincerely haven’t done anything tangible or be able to gather any tangible amount of money since we get together and neither do we share rent or other bills.

I don’t want to look bad.

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    9:52 PM, 3 June 2023

    Life is a journey and it’s important to note that the people we meet as we journey through life are meant to be there for a particular season. As you journey the path of life you make friends and meet people, but you may need to leave some of them along the way in other to fulfill purpose and to also grow. You may necessarily not stop being friend with them; you just need to be a little distant from them. Being distant from people you once cared about because they stunt your growth or are not in line with your plans and dreams doesn’t make you a bad person.

    In life, growth constant and you need to do everything right so you can grow to what you hope to be. You may need to talk to a counsellor if you are finding it hard to decide on what to do or how to handle this situation.

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