
I have a boyfriend, we broke up 6 months again because I wasn’t feeling him anymore, but now we are back together, and I’m don’t have feelings for him again. I noticed that whenever we break up, I feel something for him but when we get back, I start losing interest.

1 Comment
  • Truthshare
    5:14 PM, 12 July 2023

    Relationships are complex, and it is normal for feelings to change over time due to different of reasons, like personal development, social and environmental influences. It is possible that after reviving the relationship, your partner and you have underlying compatibility problems; these problems may be slightly overshadowed by your emotions, fondness of each other but then you realize the problems are still there when you both rekindle the relationship, which has become a regular pattern that needs to stop.

    You need to honestly speak with your partner about how you have been feeling, to help you both find clarity and ways to handle the situation. You may also need to seek counselling as repeated breakup with the same person can be emotionally damaging.

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