Please what can I do to stop watching pornography and masturbating. Over four years now; I’ve been dying trying to stop myself and each time I stop, I still find my way back. Each day, I’m always tempted to watch porn and masturbating. Please, it’s killing me please I always feel depressed and anxious most times hate myself and people around me and so much anxiety that I can’t control, and I’ll think of calming myself down but the only I can think of is masturbating thinking I’ll be just fine after that but instead I get worse every single day.
please I need a way out 😭
It is sad to learn that you are dealing with addiction to pornography, and it is essential to identifying how it negatively affects your mental health and general productivity, this will help you stay determined to change.
It is possible that you find the time to engage in this because you isolate yourself; try to go out more and also engage in healthy activities you find pleasure in doing, start a routine that keeps you involved with others like joining a social group or exercising; this will help improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Take note of what triggers the appetite to watch porn and learn healthier ways manage stress or negative emotions.
Also, consider seeking therapy. they can help you find ways to cope with this while also being a good source of support to you as you journey to recovery. Keep in mind that recovering from addiction requires your patience and staying committed to your goal.