
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 6 years now, though he always talked about getting married to me when he wants to leave the country. He started the processing recently and told me he’d come meet my parents. He planned on doing the introduction and court marriage first before he leaves, then we’d do the rest when he comes back.

All of a sudden, he just changed his mind about the court marriage, it’s not like I have a problem not doing it cause he’s someone I love and to my understanding, he loves me as well, but I’m just conflicted about why he’d just change his mind.

He now said he’d do traditional before he leaves, he still wants to marry me but only traditionally for now, and maybe later in the future he’d do the court marriage. We’ve been arguing about it and now it’s gotten to a point where he now saying if we can’t agree, we should go our separate ways. I’m really confused and sad cause I never thought that could be an option.

I don’t know what to do and it’s got me thinking that maybe he never actually loved me. I’ve been thinking. To think that court marriage could be the one to end our 6 years relationship.

Please I need advice. What should I do?

1 Comment
  • Truthshare
    8:07 AM, 4 August 2023

    I understand the difficulties you are currently going through as a result of this situation, and that this may be bringing you a lot of regret, confusion and disbelief as understanding unforeseen changes in your partner’s plans for the future can be very difficult, especially after being in a relationship for a long time. If he’s unsure about a court marriage now but potentially considering it in the future, try to get a clear understanding of what that means to him and when he might reconsider; this will help you know how to navigate through this situation.

    It can be beneficial to get help and guidance in order to better understand the causes behind these changes and consider options for dealing with them. This might mean being honest with your partner about your worries and feelings and asking for guidance from trustworthy friends, family members, or counselling professionals. These can help you find a solution that benefits both of your wants.

    Always keep in mind that relationships call for mutual respect, honest communication, understanding with shared goals. It may be a difficult but necessary to end the relationship if you realise that your goal and values do not match with your partner. In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel supported, loved, and respected.

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