I think I have ED (Erectile dysfunction). I’ve been struggling with it for years. I’ve run a couple of tests and hoped that something would be wrong. But they all came out as normal. And it’s confusing because I don’t do anything out of the ordinary. I try to work out, I try to move around, and all that. But it’s hard to maintain an erection. And I cum really really…really quick. Each time I want to engage in sexual activity, I get headaches, I start doubting, and I just lose the vibe totally. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what to try. It’s really embarrassing. The doctor says I should work on my confidence, mood, and psychology. But I don’t even know how to do that, or where to start from. Any advice? What can I do, please?
Sorry you are dealing with this; causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) might be psychological, physical, or both. Consider talking to therapist or counsellor if your doctor has suggested working on your mood, and self-assurance. Any psychological causes of your ED may be addressed with their assistance.
it’s important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly. discuss your worries and emotions with them, and think about applying them in your efforts to remedy the issue at hand.
Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking; It’s critical to listen to your doctor’s advice and to be patient with yourself. With the proper routine and assistance, ED can frequently be successfully managed.