I’m scared of everything
I’m a great thinker
Ever since I finished my secondary school up until now I have been working
With my little salary I earn I still try to take care of my family in the little way I can
And sometimes I feel like it takes me backwards
I literally do everything for myself
It’s all just really exhausting and frustrating
And I work for someone that would only help out if he sleeps with me
Like I’m so so tired
I ask myself every night with tears in my eyes when all this is going to end
When will I ever get a break from all these
It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot of stress and difficult circumstances. Sharing your feelings with friends, family, or a someone you trust can provide emotional relief and may offer different perspectives on your situation. Also, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. They can provide valuable guidance and support in dealing with stress, anxiety, and other emotions you may be dealing with.
If you’re facing harassment at work, consider leaving such an unsafe workplace. Find small ways to take care of yourself and do the things you enjoy and also continue to explore other job opportunities that matches your abilities and interests. Never forget that it’s okay to seek help and make reasonable changes that are beneficial. Please don’t hesitate to get help if coping on your own is difficult for you.