my sister keeps complaining about every single thing I do.She finds the slightest opportunity to criticise any mistake I make or my action.She says that I have changed and I’m becoming mannerless but what she doesn’t know is that people change not because they wan’t to but because of other people around them.One mistake and she is already complaining, everything is always about her son, she complains that I’m lazy, my biggest wish is to destruct a place that is looking clean,she will talk to me and I will ignore her like she is not taking to me, or because of my laziness if she asks me to work I will start faking that I am sleeping.I still don’t know why she cannot understand me or the fact that I am always busy todo things and I have my specific time and day to do specific things.WHY can’t she understand the way I do thing in my life.She complains that I don’t make the bed but then shouldn’t her common sense tell her that when I leave for school early in the morning she is sleeping on the bed and when I come back its a few minutes to prayer and before I change my clothes, go to greet y mom, and take the dishes for washing its starting to get dark and then I go and pray and the fact that before I come back she has already asked our maid to make the bed and I am still trying to understand what exactly she wants me to do when the bed is already done and then talking about sweeping my room, does she expects me to start sweeping first thing in the morning every single day when I have to get ready for school and at times I do 10 days to 2weeks before I sweep my room because I hardly stay in the room so it literally never gets dirty.Also I go to school days a week straight with no rest except for public holidays with hardly happens what exactly does she wants me to do with my life I feel like I’m slowly getting depressed cos she rants and complain about a single thing more that 5x.
It can be incredibly frustrating when someone close to you doesn’t see the effort you are putting into your responsibilities, especially when your schedule is already filled with school and other commitments. Have you considered sitting down with her to have an open, respectful conversation about how her criticisms affect you and how you can both find a way to understand each other better?
It’s important you both communicate your differences while maintaining your boundaries too. You can both work together and find a middle ground on how to handle your individual responsibilities.
Though am an teenager, but I think everyone must have experience this in life…Why I’m not mad at my elder sister when putting her frustration on me is because I know my parents have obviously pressured her too when she was an independent kid
Nice to know you understand why you sister acts the way she does,. So, have you considered communicating with her nicely? About how overly pushy she can be sometimes? I think it would help foster a better relationship with understanding between you two.