What if changing your thoughts is the only solution, what if changing your friends is the only solution, what if appreciating your friends and being truthful is the only solution, what if praying is the only solution, what if helping him or her is the only solution,what if reading is the only solution,what if marrying is the only solution, what if having a Girlfriend is the only solution, what if having sex with the opposite sex is the only solution, what if none of these options can help,then you have to know this,👉God will not Change the world for you but will change you for the world.
If your problems are more than who you are,then change who you are or seek for the person that is above your problems.
Pent up feelings, claiming,lieing and covering up your lies till you have no option than to take away your life because of the shame.
You were doing great, living a good and free life, until you meet these set of friends that you are with,you are now living in pains and bondage.
you were living a sad life,no happiness, guilty life, until you meet with these set of friends who makes you happy and free of guilt because they have given you reason to be happy.
You lie ,even to people that can or will help you.
You believe in what your inner voice tells you, forgetting that reality is stronger than how you feel.
Dieing is not a problem because it is inevitable but what maters most is they way you die,when you die,what you did before you die,what you didn’t do before you die and where you are going after you die.🤔
You remember your negative (bad)past when you are In a positive (good)present and you remember your positive past when you are in a negative present,but you remember both the negative and positive when you are in a confuse present.
Those who don’t or can’t sleep at night are those who have made others not to sleep at night and those who have made thier situations an examination to prepare for,you are a reflection of what you did in the past,you are a reflection of what you are thinking,a reflection of who you are with, you are a reflection of what you want to do or who you want to be🤔.
This life is meaningless when you have no goals ,it is useless when you don’t give yourself a reason or mission to accomplish.
The safe place to be is the place you are today,but the best place to be is the place you dream of,pray for and work to be🤷‍♂.
Okafor Johnsteve.u.
I rep psychology department,(uniport)✊