
I feel so sad, I feel so unloved. I have sat down countless times watch my relationships fall apart. Older men keep disturbing me for sex. I’m at the verge of breaking down ,i don’t know what to do.

  • Anonymous
    5:46 AM, 10 August 2019

    I have this believe that they is always someone for someone.look within and you will see that there is someone who have been trying to get your attention or ask you out who truly love you.most times we tend to look for people who we want and leave the ones we want.i think this time you should give the ones that love you a chance and let the once you love that don’t resiprocate be

  • Anonymous
    5:49 AM, 10 August 2019

    Please don’t break down.gain more strength to resist those older men.try as much as possible to make your self love able like being nice to everyone,avoid doing what you don’t like and love your self.

  • Anonymous
    12:05 AM, 11 August 2019

    It’s something you can correct,Just try to discover your mistakes and work on it.

  • Anonymous
    10:21 PM, 4 October 2019

    Hello sweet heart. I guess there’s more to this cause I’ve experienced same and I can tell you the temptation is too tricky to say no to. You are loved but most people love you for the wrong reason(what they stand to gain), I’d want you to love yourself first.

    Please not break down, you can handle everything that comes your way. Your relationships will no longer fall apart once you stick to you values and principles. Try to avoid being in private areas with older, be cautious of how you dress or appear around them and be firm enough to say no when they come begging with gifts. I hope you feel better after taking this steps. Love will find you for who you are and build with you.

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