
Good evening. I am married for 12 years now. My husband like being close to female Friends. There’s one he’s close to now that I’m not comfortable with and their relationship is killing me gradually. She calls my husband every now and then. Anytime she’s going to site as architect, my husband goes with her in his car. She and my husband do send each other on WhatsApp porn videos. I’ very confronted my husband, he said they are just friends and those porn videos are just jokes that they cracking but I’m not comfortable with their relationship. What do I do?. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    5:02 PM, 28 February 2021

    Hello.that’s bad one thing I know is that male and female can’t be casual friends for long one must have feelings for another. think his best you can confront the situation with your husband and know your stand

  • Anonymous
    2:25 PM, 15 March 2021

    Well all you can do is confront him about it ,cos its detrimental to your marriage and very inappropriate………..

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