hello it’s me again let’s use “L.d.d” like a nick name today i’m going
to tell you about the rest of my story.we stopped when my parents were
divorced and then my dad and grandma raised us me and my sister
before we lived on dady’s house we lived a litle bit at mom’s house when we were very young . her fadher who’s my grandpa was a very bad men he hit my sister and her parents stole our beautiful and expensive dresses which are gifts from our dady and her father tried to take me by force from my grandmother’s bosom who’s my dady’s mother.the court decision came out and my father took custody me;my dad ; my grandma and my sister were very happy we lived the best years of our lives . for me my dad was the best person friend brother dad on this whole world and he stills like like that , love is not an enough word to expree my feeling towards my dad it’s so simple it means nothing i’m so deeply in love , he’s my life my whole word he’s the reason why i breath the same thing to my grandma
i don’t call her like that i call her mom because she’s my mom she
watched and took care of me when i was sick every night she stills awake because she scares if something happens to me , i remember when i had my period and i was in a lot of pain she took care of me
and we stayed all night awake i can’t forget those memories ,it remains me every day that she’s my real momy and i love her so muchhh . when i was little i hated my real mom and i didn’t and i still don’t call her mom because she don’t deserve it maybe she didn’t do anything wrong to us and every year she raise a custody case but i’m feel angry to her because i feel like she didn’t fight for us her father contoles her and she listens to him and because of him our parents divorced because she listened to him . my dad didn’t let us visit her that’s why in the weekends or any day she visit us at first i hated her because i was little and my dad was the person who i loved him the love of my mom but now i don’t feel anything towards her no love no hate nothing like she’s a stranger i can’t feel anything because i don’t know her and she don’t know anything about me every time when she calls me she always asks e about her beauty and she’s young when she had me she don’t asks me about my problems and she asks me if i love her and i don’t say anything then she tells me that she’s the women who gived birth to me and breastfeed me then she stats to cry and tells me that i don’t love every time , i’m done guys really i can’t do it anymore i’m tired . let’s stop here tonight and finsish my story tommorow .
your story is quite too long though…