
My name is Tom, I’m 25 years old. I’m suffering from anxiety and depression firstly because of the relationship I have been in for the past 4 years. I was a virgin before I met this girl I feel in love with her she too did we dated for 4 years. I gave in all I had and all I could into the relationship, I was faithful, loyal, and a best friend you could ask of unto her. Just about 2 years down the line she cheated on me with some other guy but out of the love I have for her I did forgave her and took her back like nothing ever happened. Currently it’s things have been really difficult for me especially financially due to the tragedy that occurred in my family. I’m stucked in-between fending for my self, going through the University (my academic), finding my feet to stand on, dealing with the relationship break up and it’s affecting me drastically. I’m this kind of emotional person especially because of my Temperament and I’m going through a lot of anxiety and depression everyday, sometimes I feel like I should just put an end to my life because it’s really difficult dealing with all these alone. I really don’t know what to do I hear voices in my head all the time, I tried to shut them up but it just keeps coming back. Please I need help.

  • Anonymous
    8:46 AM, 22 January 2020

    Ending your life is not the solution… Get ur acts together and find something that makes u happy… Stop thinking too much remember there are pple out there facing worse…

  • Anonymous
    6:44 PM, 23 January 2020

    She isn’t worth losing your life do u know the best revenge is to smile over everything that’s happened and just move on looking and feeling depressed makes those who’s hurt u feel like they have a hold over your life don’t give them that privilege show them how much of a warrior u are by overcoming this

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