I quit my job in Feb 2020 due to unbearable pressure both in personal and professional life. I am jobless to date. My mother who raised me as a single parent is of the opinion that one needs to be economically independent and I second her thought. She is worried about me staying at home without income. I am not able to get a job. Once the recruiters get to know that I am not working currently, they assume that I am unfit for the job, in spite of satisfying the job requirements and then they don’t offer the job.
I am also dealing with ovarian cysts due to which my menstrual cycle is irregular. I am worried of my health and career. I try to keep myself engaged so that I don’t slip into depression and make things worse. But I can sense that my self-confidence is going down with every passing day. I don’t have anyone to talk to.
I hope this too shall pass and everything is gonna be okay, but I think I need help to get through this.
Just for the fact you believe it will pass soon is the reason why in no time. Something will turn up.
As long as there’s life. There’s hope. Just hang in there. Dont forget that some people are getting it worse during this pandemic due to the loss of a loved one or have lost their lives.
For now you need something to keep your mind positive and busy until things change.
Good day.not having a job is very boring and bad.so please even if u want to be economically independent you do not need to stay home.please try and find some trade to do.si that keeps you far away from depression.
yes, it shall pass too, believe it. And try doing online jobs or work from home jobs their many sites for that. Don’t worry, everything will become alright.
Looking for jobs is awful. At least you can be sure this is stressful for everyone who is looking and they all feel a blow to their self stems. I feel that too!