
I feel so lost. No friends. Working a job I hate. No relationship. No one who gives a damn about me except my mother & sister.

The world is lonely. I have been battling social anxiety for 13years now and I’m 26years. While I’ve been battling depression for 14years.

I have nervous breakdowns once in a while, but now it keeps reoccuring, I can’t control it any longer. If I could die now and be assured of heaven, I’d gladly leave this lonely world.

There’s nothing for me here.
Absolutely nothing.

I’m lost, and I’m scared of living life alone, broke and broken by all my flaws & all that hinders me in life.

I didnt have the best life growing up. My parents despised each other, I grew up around a lot of quarellibg, fighting & verbal abuse. I don’t know it means to have a father. I hate my father. So much. And I think they shouldnt have brought me into a loveless world.

It’s unfair.

That’s why I’ve found it difficult have interpersonal relationships with men. Plus my social anxiety. I cant even explain it.

I would stop here cos I’m so mentally fagged out

  • Anonymous
    4:11 AM, 2 May 2021

    Were you diagnosed to be one with social anxiety? How sure are you you have this disorder? Did you ever talk to a professional?

  • Anonymous
    5:35 PM, 5 May 2021

    Our stories are so much alike i felt like i am looking at a mirror. Life is so unfair and i hope we find something or someone to hold on to soon. With love ananymously.

  • Anonymous
    10:58 PM, 6 May 2021

    It is unfair and I hope that things get better for you real soon. I would focus on spending time with your mother and sister, people you care about you.

  • Anonymous
    2:52 PM, 7 May 2021

    It’s well, same thing is happening to me too,I was rejected by many people no brother no sister I cry everyday am so lonely,all am waiting for now is the day i will say goodbye to this sinful world, life has never favor me at all am only pretending to b ok

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