
I live i the same house with my boyfriend, he has been a father, mother, brother,sister he’s always interested in my education his always supportive, when I started my business he supported me he stood by me in tears in pain, in sickness his always there for me. We plan together and also execute the plans and we are both doing well, I never lack anything and I love him so much, but right now my sis keep telling me that I should come home, why am I staying with a man who is not my husband yet, I even learnt it from her, she said my boyfriend will never respect me ……. he has never disrespected
Am still undergraduate….. what should I do?
Should I listen to my sister?

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    10:12 AM, 31 May 2021

    Hello if you are loved by your boy friend he will still love you irrespective of where you are.your sister advice is not bad because you should know that he might get too used to you one day and the love begins to go down.

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