
Pls I need your help urgently as I have been suffering from masturbation over 7 years now. I’m 23 years old at the moment. The most depressing part of it is that each time I make a resolution not to masturbate or abstaining from it for days, I will still go back to it and masturbate. I have a girlfriend, we do have sex but I still masturbate. I also notice that each time good things is about to come my way, I will masturbate and eventually lose it. The highest lenght of time of my abstainance is one month after which I still went back to it. Pls help me in the name of God as I can no longer contain this. I feel ashamed of myself. Pls help me out

  • Anonymous
    9:44 AM, 17 August 2020

    I think at this point you need to talk to your partner so both of you can work it out or check the menu to speak with a professional counsellor.

  • Anonymous
    6:27 PM, 17 August 2020

    Tell your girlfriend you can’t go through this along if you and your girlfriend try together to put a stop to your masturbation it will be hard but it will eventually stop

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