
So, yesterday in a momment of truth, he told me that the reason he likes her is because, she does not judge him. And i do. Like when he do certain things and he tells her, she just laughs lightly. Like a recebt incident, he said “i can still remember her laugh” it got to me. It pained me. He can still remember her laugh?? Why is this girl this special. He was falling in love with her! He just did not notice it, now that the “friendship” ended because of me i feel he hates me for it. Everytime i insult her he gets on the defensive. Yesterday he told me that he doesnt know why i love him so much. And he loves me yes, but he is sure he does not love me as much as i love him or would ever be able to even though he wishes to. It pained me. It pained me that thats all i get, that no strong resolve within his heart to try. No strong resolve to want to defy the odds and be better. Maybe i have become worthless because i stayed. I am so pathetic with him. I told him i threatned her annonymously, he took out time yesterday to tell me it was a cowardly act. When it comes ti her he is defensive and protective. When it comes to me man, he dishes anything. I am trying to love him less. So that this can be a match. I dont want anybody else. I want him. And i want him to say he loves me so much he will try. I want to stop acting all weak. I want so many things.

  • Anonymous
    8:58 PM, 1 July 2021

    My dear please you should tryvas much as possible to stop asking for so much love and attention from people the more you ask the more they don’t give it to you that stuff comes out voluntarily.

  • Anonymous
    12:50 PM, 4 July 2021

    Just spend more time loving yourself. Stop caring so much about him, stop giving so much attention. I was in same situation last year. But I began to distract myself with other things, I focused more on me, I made new friends especially online. In the end he realized himself and began treating me better… Now I’m realizing he didn’t even deserve all that stress.

  • Anonymous
    4:49 PM, 12 July 2021

    Honestly, im trying to not love him as much. Everyday new realizations hit me square in the face. Days he told me he needed some time alone and asked me to stay at my house? Days he said we should try new sex positions, and im suprised at where the idea may have sprung from. Days he tells me that ive become so less pationate, i wonder why he felt that way. Some outside attention, telling her that seeing us may have spoilt it for her.why??? My head aches sometimes. Im getting through it. Im trying to be less emotional so i can give him the exact portion of love he deserves. So that all these things dont mean nothing to me any more , so that i can pick up my bag and leave, i cannot watch over him forever i cannot be this way, i need some confidence, i need to be able to walk away without feeling like i lost. I need to feel beautiful again, i need to detach, everbody thinks i got it all figured , and im so happy , abd its going well, i am a wreck , im so much of a wreck my head hurts, i can hardly get out of bef , but i do it smile for the new day i put on a positive attitude i wear my crown.

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