
Im an oddity. Im a sensitive 45-year-old Nigerian man. Im divorced and my kids live with thier mother in the USA. 5 years ago I met this girl aged 24, just about finishing school, we entered into an intimate relationship and I helped to see her through her final year in school, NYSC and finally she got a job, and she’s doing well. To be honest I have not been particularly nice to this girl. I made her have abortions twice, i have insulted her severally. I have however never physically assaulted her. When she came to me that she has found someone she wants to settle down with, I became irrationally angry. A few days later I met her suitor at the flat I rented for her and in a fit of jealousy, broke the windscreen of the car I bought for her. Yes I am being frank. I am ashamed of myself. Now its been six weeks, I cant stop thinking about her, i think I love her.. But she needs to move on. How can I let go of this girl in my heart? I cant sleep, i dont eat well, i am becoming less effective in my job… do i break that tie, even though i yearn for her everyday of my life..

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    6:20 AM, 8 July 2021

    Hello sir good morning.before you think if letting her go you have to work on yourself too to be able to keep good relationship although am not judging work on your tolerance and anger and then have the worst case senerio mindset and the mindset is that what is the worst thing that can happen if she does not want to return,when you are able to defeat it downwards you will be able to let her go and also try not to think much about her or look for a replacement that looks like her.

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